Amanda Janson
Amanda Janson has had the dream of pursuing music since an early age. After an unfulfilling pursuit of musical theater and Broadway, she knew there was something more to music and to life.
After giving her life to the Lord in 2013, Amanda began leading worship and writing songs about her faith and testimony. She never expected music to take this route and she couldn't imagine using her love for it in any other way than to serve and glorify the Lord.
Amanda has had the opportunity to release five singles since her debut single “In the Name of Jesus” in 2022, which gained radio streams within the first year. She has also been able to see songs she’s written on be released through others such as worship artist, Leah Paschall and 7 Hills Worship.
With more clear vision than ever, Amanda’s greatest desire is to release music that leads listeners into a deeper relationship with Jesus and is expectant for her future music projects to reflect her heart for the church and Gods people. She is excited to break out of the box and offer new a fresh and new sound for worship.
Madison Street Worship
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Madison Street Worship is the music ministry based out of GTWY Church in Shelbyville, TN, a small rural town on the outskirts of the greater Nashville, TN area. GTWY Church, founded in 1939, has experienced a revival in the last 8 years which has fuel explosive growth taking their church from around 50 members to over 1,200 members. Made up of a collective of worship leaders and songwriters, Madison Street Worship’s mission is to share the gospel through their songs to as many people as they can. With a heart for the local church, they write to shepherd and encourage the congregation of GTWY Church in Shelbyville, while also aspiring to reach and minister to the global church. “We want to lead people into an encounter with The Living God, and it’s an honor that we get the opportunity to do that every day through our music,” says Harley Rowell, the worship pastor and director of Madison Street Worship.
In addition to their local reach, Madison Street Worship has nearly 85,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and 20,000 monthly listeners on Apple Music.
Gideon Roberts
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Born and raised a Texan, Gideon Roberts resides in Dallas, calling Upperroom his home church. With years of worship leading and songwriting under his belt, Gideon is stepping into a new chapter of artistry. He recently released his debut EP, "My Heart is Your Home." Leading up to the EP, Gideon released two singles, “First Love” and “Father Song.” He also co-wrote Meredith Mauldin’s most recent release “Carried Me.”
Gideon works closely with SongLab, a songwriting community led by Meredith Mauldin. He co-wrote "My Favorite," SongLab's first release, with Mauldin, performing it with Abbie Gamboa. He also wrote and performed "Secure in You" for SongLab.
With hundreds of songs to his name, Gideon strives to create authentic music that goes beyond surface-level lyrics, aiming to capture the heart of heaven. He has contributed to various churches and ministries, including North Palm Worship ("Victory to Victory," "No Name Is Higher," "Incorruptible," and "Help My Unbelief"), The Oaks Church ("The King Is in the Room"), and Meredith Mauldin ("Adoration," "Carry Me"), among others.